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Zamigurumi my Collection NFT in the OpenSea and physical Amigurumi hand Made Exclusive | Bebeca Cláudio

Title: Discover the Magic of the "Zamigurumi" Collection on OpenSea: The Encounter Between Digital Art and Handcrafted Amigurumi

Zamigurumi Collection NFT


Welcome to my blog! Today, I'm thrilled to share with you a truly magical collection: the "Zamigurumi" collection on OpenSea. This collection represents the perfect fusion of digital art, created by artificial intelligence, and the handcrafted artistry of amigurumi dolls. Get ready to be enchanted by this extraordinary union!

The Magic of AI-Generated Digital Art:

During my journey as an artisan, entrepreneur, and Fashion Design student, I stumbled upon something astonishing: the random generation of images through artificial intelligence (AI). Exploring this technique, I discovered a world filled with unique and captivating characters. These digital creations, generated by AI, possess a singularity that sparked my imagination and creativity.

The Enchantment of Handcrafted Amigurumi Making:

As a lover of handcrafted artistry and an expert in crochet, I had the idea to combine the magic of these digital images with the manual artistry of amigurumi making. Thus, the "Zamigurumi" collection was born. Each character, randomly generated by AI, comes to life through my talent and skill in creating amigurumi dolls. Every stitch, every detail is carefully crafted with love and care, ensuring that each piece is unique and special.

The Union of Digital Art and Handcrafted Making:

By acquiring an NFT from the "Zamigurumi" collection, you're not only acquiring a unique and exclusive digital artwork but also a physical piece: the corresponding amigurumi doll. Each NFT represents a digital character generated by AI, while the amigurumi is the handmade interpretation of that creation. This union is truly magical, allowing you to have in your hands a one-of-a-kind combination of digital art and handcrafted making.

Supporting Handcrafted Artistry and Creativity:

By being a part of the "Zamigurumi" collection, you're supporting my journey as an artisan and entrepreneur, as well as encouraging the exploration of new frontiers between artificial intelligence and handcrafted artistry. Your purchase contributes to sustaining my creative work and supports a Brazilian entrepreneur.

Discover the Magic on OpenSea:

To explore and acquire pieces from the "Zamigurumi" collection, visit my page on OpenSea. There, you'll find a variety of charming and unique characters ready to be adopted by passionate collectors. Seize this opportunity to acquire an NFT and receive a handmade amigurumi created exclusively for you.


The "Zamigurumi" collection is the result of the perfect combination of digital art and handcrafted making. It's a magical journey that allows you to immerse yourself in an enchanted universe where artificial intelligence meets delicate human talent. Come be a part of this unique experience and discover the magic of the "Zamigurumi" collection on OpenSea!

One of my crochet handmade creations.

A short video on TikTok where I started teaching how to crochet, but the video is in my native language, Portuguese:

@bebecaclaudio Aprenda #Crochê #Biquini da #JadePicon #BBB22 #Fyp #blogdabebeca #encantadosdabeeh #bebecaclaudio ♬ som original - Bebeca Cláudio

If you already know me, I thank you for being here, but if you're new to my blog and discovered me through my OpenSea account to learn more about my work, I appreciate you coming here and reading my post. I have been running this blog for over 10 years. I'm a Fashion Design student, an artisan, and I've been crocheting since I was 8 years old when I learned this art from my mother! If you've acquired my artwork, I am extremely grateful for the support, for believing in my work, and for contributing to allowing me to make a living out of what I love to do! Sending you lots of love, peace, health, and prosperity! Until next time!

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